FRIE - Frazier Rehab Institute East
FRIE stands for Frazier Rehab Institute East
Here you will find, what does FRIE stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Frazier Rehab Institute East? Frazier Rehab Institute East can be abbreviated as FRIE What does FRIE stand for? FRIE stands for Frazier Rehab Institute East. What does Frazier Rehab Institute East mean?Frazier Rehab Institute East is an expansion of FRIE
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Alternative definitions of FRIE
View 2 other definitions of FRIE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FRI/ULSM Frazier Rehab Institute/UofL - Sports Medicine
- FHCRC Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- FMH Frederick Memorial Hospital
- FRH Fredonia Regional Hospital
- FCH Freeman Community Hospital
- FHS Freeman Health System
- FNH Freeman Neosho Hospital
- FRHS Freeman Regional Health Services
- FAMC Fremont Area Medical Center
- FCMC Fremont County Medical Center
- FH Fremont Hospital
- FMC Fremont Medical Center
- FMH Fremont Memorial Hospital
- FRCC Fremont-Rideout Cancer Center
- FHMC French Hospital Medical Center
- FH&SH Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital
- FHH Fresno Heart Hospital
- FSC Fresno Surgery Center
- FH Frick Hospital